Flexible Instruction Day (FID)
2 Hour Delay Schedules
Secondary 2 Hour Delay Schedule
Middle/High School REPORT TIME IS 9:20 A.M.
For questions about the MS/HS 2 hour delay schedule, please contact the High School Office: 724-343-8410.
Elementary 2 Hour Delay Schedule
Elementary Report time is 10:30 A.M.
Blairsville Elementary Office: 724-343-8430
Student Technology
Flexible Instruction Days
The Pennsylvania Department of Education has approved the use of Flexible Instruction Days (FID) as an alternate form of instruction in place of a day otherwise canceled due to inclement weather or unforeseen emergency. River Valley School District has been approved for up to five (5) Flexible Instruction Days for the school year. To count as a full day of instruction, the FID must occur on the day of the building closure. On a FID, students must complete class assignments set by their teachers at home on the day that would otherwise have been canceled.
If a significant weather event or unforeseen emergency occurs, administrators at River Valley School District will make the necessary decisions to utilize a FID and relay that information to parents and guardians in the form of a phone call, email, and text message through the district-wide messaging system. Notifications will also be published on the district website, and depending on the situation, alerts will be broadcasted on local radio and television stations.
Elementary Student Attendance: Teachers will complete daily attendance during the homeroom period. Students who cannot livestream but submit their assigned work immediately upon returning to school will be considered present.
Student Work Assignments
Assignments will be posted on the Canvas platform, which can be accessed through Clever. Links for Google Meet sessions will also be posted in Canvas for students to join live synchronous classes.
Special Education
Lessons will be designed for students with special needs utilizing specially designed instruction identified in their Individualized Education Plans (IEP).
Related services (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech, Special Education Services, Gifted Services, English as a Second Language programming, etc.) scheduled during the FID will be conducted through synchronous modalities using the same platforms and video-conferencing tools.